VdH cartridge on heavier tonearm

The Frog is very nice, but rather high conpliance cartridge.
Producer states static compliance at 35 micron/Nm that should transform to about 18 micron/Nm dynamic compliance at 10Hz.
Also producer states that Frog should wotk on tonearm up to 10g effective mass.

I have 12” tonearm with almost 21g effective mass.
Is there any chance that this will work together?
Anybody used Frog at heavier tonearm with succes?


Thanks for your advice. I will try to consult that with VDH directly. So far I used with this tonearm Phasemation PP-1000 cartridge that seens to have similar to Frog compliance at 10Hz. 

First o all to use provided calculator I need to confirm that static compliance at 35 micron/Nm given in Frog specs transtale into 17.5 micron/Nm dynamic compliance @ 10Hz. If this is true the calculated resonant frequency is 6.98Hz so at the lower edge of the rang.

I believe european standard is the only one that you do not have to divide or multiply. Japanese multiply by 1,5-2  and US divide static by 2.



The compliance of the Phasemation PP1000 8. It's much lower than the van den hul.

The van den hul frog has a dynamic compliance of 14, static compliance of 28.

The phasemation is a much better match for your arm.



Dynamic compliance is a term used in calculator provided in link in second post. 
VdH which is European producer states „static compliance”.