VdH cartridge on heavier tonearm

The Frog is very nice, but rather high conpliance cartridge.
Producer states static compliance at 35 micron/Nm that should transform to about 18 micron/Nm dynamic compliance at 10Hz.
Also producer states that Frog should wotk on tonearm up to 10g effective mass.

I have 12” tonearm with almost 21g effective mass.
Is there any chance that this will work together?
Anybody used Frog at heavier tonearm with succes?



The compliance of the Phasemation PP1000 8. It's much lower than the van den hul.

The van den hul frog has a dynamic compliance of 14, static compliance of 28.

The phasemation is a much better match for your arm.



Dynamic compliance is a term used in calculator provided in link in second post. 
VdH which is European producer states „static compliance”. 

@petg60 Had no idea that one should divide US compliance figures by 2. That’s VERY useful information. And it explains why the same wand works for a Grado and a Koetsu, which I had failed to understand.


The compliance of Phasemation is given at @100 Hz, so to ensure that is comparable with VdH dynamic compliance @10 Hz should be multipled by 2-2.2. 

In te frequency calculator we should use dynamic compliance value @10Hz. 
Phasemation is 14.3g cartridge and compliance at 10Hz about 16.8. In that case the resonance will be even lower than Frog 8.3g and dynamic compliance at 14 at 10Hz.