Speakers with deep/powerful bass

I used to have a system with large speakers. Each speaker had two 12" woofers. When I would play Hard as a Rock from the AC-DC BallBreaker CD there was a moment at 35 seconds into the song when it felt like someone was jumping on the floor behind me. This would only happen if my JPS Labs Golden Flutes were looped into the system, and it was playing very loud. Without the Golden Flutes it didn't happen. It was a truly frightening experience the first time it happened, because I was home alone. Has anyone else had anything like this occur?


As my longtime HiFi mentor recently reminded me "Bass Counts".

Why? It enhances the sound stage. Use as many subs as you can.

Paradigm is the brand I am considering next.

I used to sell those big 15 inch Cerwin Vega's in the 1980's - sold them with the massive Pioneer/Sansui/Marantz receivers back then. I probably account for hundreds of people losing most of their hearing at a young age. But man did Stairway to Heaven sound like Heaven, as did the Who, Rolling Stones, Alice Cooper, Meatloaf and AC/DC. Mozart? Not so much.....

Hmmm, might be giving away my age there.....

+1 on the room being the most important factor. My Rockport Avior ii speakers give all the high quality bass I would ever desire and then some. 

GoldenEar Triton Reference.  Built in subs with 750w amps. They go down to 12 htz. 92db sensitivity. Great speaker. 

So do you want it to sound like it was recorded or do you want it to shake the floor.  Very seldom do those 2 choices overlap.