You know when you are dealing with a BS company....

...when you read statements like this:

"You can expect a 15% to 20% improvement in sound for each level as you move up the line. The improvements are in soundstage, resolution, realism, musical presentation, impact, etc."

Me: yeah, the humidity in my room changed from 44 to 45% yesterday, and I immidiately noticed that the realism dropped by 3.4%, yet the musical presentation actually WENT UP by 8.3%. I was able to compensate by turning the lights on in the kitchen and changed my socks. Puh, that was close.






A: No, they normally use high-purity copper wire that is tin-plated, which also protects against corrosion. Sometimes they use silver solder as well.

Notice the use of the word "normally." I wasn’t saying they never use silver wire or higher quality capactiors.

Everything you’ve said thus far is moot. 

Who cares what @kraftwerkturbo thinks?!

It won’t change your perception on anything, anyway.

lol why do you keep talking about Amir?


mastering93: "

How do you figure out "spacial divergence?"

How do you figure out your *quoted* percentage of a 12%-16% improvement?"

Don't ask me. Ask the companies that write such and similar nonsense in their ads. 

THAT IS THE (ONLY) POINT OF THE ORIGINAL POST (supposedly serious companies selling supposedly serious technical products using utter nonsense claims). 


Then you should have picked a company that goes way beyond the normal hype like Synergistic Research.

You're making an example out of a company ad that is really mild in comparison to many others. Sure is a lot of hub bub over something so inconsequential to anyone's life.

I like my Morrow XLRs.  I hate the spamming I get from Morrow's (likely a millennial run) ad department.  That being said have you ever had to sell a product to the general public lately?  I swear people are getting stuupiderr and stupidere.  


Not all, but some fit Ken's definition of "audiophile." I'm not naming anyone, but I've met a lot of audiophiles who truly do believe the most darnedestly stupid things about audio equipment.


It doesn't matter. The concept is the same: higher prices = better fidelity = audio nirvana.