Room treatment is on the agenda. I went through this in the old place with stacking four foot bass traps in corners behind the spks and a massive wool and canvass behemoth behind the couch and an absorber on the wall just behind the seating position. Overdamped to say the least for the 30.1's. Had been trying to tame Harbeth slh5's that were just way too boomy for my apartment. With the 30.1's I took out all the treatments cept for the trap behind the couch and the absorber behind the seat and found I liked the sound much better. Going to try simple cloth or rug options in this new room just as a test once I determine that all the components are performing up to spec. I've already checked out treatments for the first reflective points on the side walls. Wanna keep it simple and relatively cheap.
Someone mentioned toe in. I barely have any at all. Adviser at Fidelis that distributes Harbeths said to point them directly at me with hard toe in. No bueno in this room. They are not firing straight out but I can see all of the inside walls on both spks. Not sure if many have purchased the "Get Better Sound" book by Jim Simith. It's loaded with all sorts of "free" tips...many which I am just up to tackling and sdI still am having problems..