Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh

Hope this isn't redundant tried to post in Tech Talk

Just moved my system to a new home/sound room and it still sounds harsh and a bit thin despite supposedly "warm" sounding Harbeth 30.1 speakers. This issue is not new and I had put the blame on the old listening room.  Can't figure out what the problem is. I listen loud at 80dcbl or higher and sit nearfield about 8 feet from the speaker plane. (sound is thin and bright from afar as well) I have experimented in both homes with speaker placement, toe-in and the like. Speakers are placed a lil over 3 feet from the rear wall and about two and a half feet from side walls.  I feel something is off. Perhaps a component or two that is known to be tipped up in the highs and a lil bass shy?? Also, I leave all solid state components fully powered up 24/7. (not the tubes)


Modwright/Oppo BDP 105 disc player  (all mods with tubed power supply and pricey NOS tube upgrades throughout)  Looking to replace once the harshness/bright issue is nailed down.

Parasound JC2 Preamp

Pass Labs X250.5 Amp

Harbeth 30.1 stand mount speakers

Puritan Labs PSM 156 power conditioner. (less "edgy" sound with it in system)

System is run all balanced with fairly costly Cardas interconnects.

All input is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Happy listening.




I'm not familiar with your speakers, but FWIW since you're moving them around....

IME, floor and bass driver interface (distance between the bass driver and the floor as well as the side walls) goes a long way in determining bass reinforcement. I think someone suggested tilting back your speaker already but lowering your speakers height, which may seem counter intuitive, off the floor in combination with the tilt would make a better bass response. What I would try just to see if lowering the speaker would help just get them up about a foot off the floor (and tilted back so the tweeter axis is pointed at your ears). And go from there. BTW if you want to keep the sense of depth of image keep them as far away from the back wall as possible.

In my room traps and absorbers behind the listening position did not work out so well. 

Scott, @verdantaudio, mentioned it above. Swap components out.  Doesn't the Oppo have volume control? Or does it get disabled with the mods? If it still has the volume control remove the preamp and see how it sounds using the Oppo as the "preamp". I find it hard to believe there isn't something else going on with either a component or the speakers so I would sub out preamp first, then amp (if you have anything at all, even an old receiver) then sub the source. I have those Harbeths and have used Pass stuff with them. You could use dental floss as cables and it won't sound as bad as your saying. No way any decent quality cable will make that huge of a difference unless your listening at like 110dB. There's something else going on.

OP- are you measuring the back or the front of the speakers from the front wall?


The DAC is the Musician Aquarius. There's some reviews out there but not a whole lot. If you watch the youtube review by Tharbamer my dac is the actual one in his video as I made some trades with him.