Intriguing Speakers From Germany



@mihorn I’ve been audio shows every year and I find that the sound of videos is exactly same what I hear in the show. Microphones don’t lie.


@mihorn Human brain is complex enough to figure out the difference between the real and video sound and remembers sounds at the show.


So, It’s "exactly the same" and there is a "difference". Did we just get played by a Troll with a Joke on us. Kinda feels like it, haha. Starting to look familiar, anyone? :)




So, It’s "exactly the same" and there is a "difference". Did we just get played by a Troll with a Joke on us. Kinda feels like it, haha. Starting to look familiar, anyone? :)

My sons will know it is me when they hear my recorded voice even if the recording is pretty bad quality.

Every sounds have it’s signature tone, timber and pattern. I know the sound I heard in the video when I hear it at the show. People talk about the sound of speaker and audio systems. The impression of sound don’t easily go away when it is impressive. Of course. I only want to remember only few good sounds. Who wants to remember a bad sound. And there are not many audio systems sound better than mine to me. Hear mine below. Your ears might need few minutes to get used to this sound though.


@mihorn I only want to remember only few good sounds. Who wants to remember a bad sound. And there are not many audio systems sound better than mine to me. Hear mine below. Your ears might need few minutes to get used to this sound though.

Gotcha.  A fun song.  Enjoy the music and your audio system!  

That's what matters. 👍

Ricky Lee Jones....Chucky's In Love....opening bars, have the lp, caught her IRL in Berkeley....pity, someone in front row handed her a bottle of Jack and she got sloppy...

Still sounded good, tho'....*S*  Came in @ 8:00ish

Don't recognize the following selection, but doesn't matter and I don't mind not...the opening....cello, I think..

But both sound like a good system playing through 'everything in between', finally to my diy Walsh above my desk.

Undoubtably better in your space, I could hear you punching keys at 0:06~0:07....

If I had to listen to music of any sort in this fashion constantly, I'd start messing with stuff.  But, mho, for what it's worth.... 

It and a buck will get me a cross-town bus ride... 😏