@ejspain2020 The OP didn't complain about not getting deep bass his issue is "System sounds thin and bright or harsh".
The 50Hz spec is correct but that doesn't account for the room. As an example the 'heartbeat' in Breathe sounds remarkably good from a 50Hz midrange driver - even my local dealer was surprised - (I brought a 1979 MOFI issue in as one of my test records)
If you want REALLY full, deep bass with the 30.1 / 30.2 you'd need subs as others have mentioned. I use 2 REL T/9x, but turning them off doesn't make my system sound bright/harsh nor does it sound like they are suddenly lacking good bass.
Adding 2 RELs was way less than going up to the 40.2's, which was my calculus but most people buy Harbeth's for it's mid-range performance and their overall range is where most of the music is, depending on what kind of music you listen to.
E.g. an open E on a bass guitar is 41Hz