Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh

Hope this isn't redundant tried to post in Tech Talk

Just moved my system to a new home/sound room and it still sounds harsh and a bit thin despite supposedly "warm" sounding Harbeth 30.1 speakers. This issue is not new and I had put the blame on the old listening room.  Can't figure out what the problem is. I listen loud at 80dcbl or higher and sit nearfield about 8 feet from the speaker plane. (sound is thin and bright from afar as well) I have experimented in both homes with speaker placement, toe-in and the like. Speakers are placed a lil over 3 feet from the rear wall and about two and a half feet from side walls.  I feel something is off. Perhaps a component or two that is known to be tipped up in the highs and a lil bass shy?? Also, I leave all solid state components fully powered up 24/7. (not the tubes)


Modwright/Oppo BDP 105 disc player  (all mods with tubed power supply and pricey NOS tube upgrades throughout)  Looking to replace once the harshness/bright issue is nailed down.

Parasound JC2 Preamp

Pass Labs X250.5 Amp

Harbeth 30.1 stand mount speakers

Puritan Labs PSM 156 power conditioner. (less "edgy" sound with it in system)

System is run all balanced with fairly costly Cardas interconnects.

All input is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Happy listening.




@cymivka I have not reread everything, so I am going from memory if I write something already mentioned.  

First, try another pair of speakers before hauling your amp off for repairs.  From what I have read pass gear is fairly bulletproof.  We're not talking testing for sonic nuisances here, were testing if something is big time wrong and your Harbeths or amp are not functioning properly.

I would try changing the speaker connections on one of the speakers only, so the negative black speaker wire is attached to the red positive connector on the speaker.  This will tell you if a whole speaker was wired out of phase.

Last, I would try @peter_s post to verify that individual drivers within a speaker have not been hooked up out of phase.  As he mentions, definitely research the test first to make sure you don't accidentally mess anything up with the battery.  I have done it but only on lesser cost speakers.

Have you ever gotten good bass from the Harbeths? The specs says they only dip down to about 50hz so not much deep bass will show up. I know it’s a completely different animal but I’m running Martin Logan Impresions with a Parasound A31 and its a beautiful relationship. Very good balance in all octaves and never harsh. Solving your issue through a forum is nearly impossible because whatever scientific recommendation given doesn’t change your ears. Until now you’ve done it all right. I haven’t read all the responses but by now you may have figured out your next move is to keep adjusting speaker placement, properly treat your space, and maybe try other cables. I’ve found cardas to be naturally bright (for my ears in my system) Happy listening.

@ejspain2020 The OP didn't complain about not getting deep bass his issue is "System sounds thin and bright or harsh".

The 50Hz spec is correct but that doesn't account for the room. As an example the 'heartbeat' in Breathe sounds remarkably good from a 50Hz midrange driver - even my local dealer was surprised - (I brought a 1979 MOFI issue in as one of my test records) 

If you want REALLY full, deep bass with the 30.1 / 30.2 you'd need subs as others have mentioned. I use 2 REL T/9x, but turning them off doesn't make my system sound bright/harsh nor does it sound like they are suddenly lacking good bass.

Adding 2 RELs was way less than going up to the 40.2's, which was my calculus but most people buy Harbeth's for it's mid-range performance and their overall range is where most of the music is, depending on what kind of music you listen to.

E.g. an open E on a bass guitar is 41Hz 

@macg19 great points. Hope he gets it figured out. Completely understand how this can be frustrating. I'm about to go down the rabbit whole of adding a new processor so hopefully I don't lose more hair integrating...I'm already bald😉


Thanks all. As i mentioned, looks like it IS the Pass Labs amp.  Powered down all components overnight...turned it on the next morning things were very much improved. THEN, next day, turned everything off EXCEPT for the Pass and things were still way off the next day. Am going to trade out the Pass amp (which Ive had for almost 10 years) for digital mono blocks just to confirm this. Then get the Pass to Reno HIFI or wherever is suggested for an overhaul.  Also thinking if the Pass needs some capacitors replaced it couldnt hurt to send the Parasound jc2 in for a good check up at the same time.  

Silver lining:  In moving the speakers and listening position all around the room in chasing down the sound gremlin (as many suggested) I think I have a perfect starting point for speaker placement once all the gear is up to spec.  The speakers ended up closer to the rear wall and a tad further away from sidewalls with fairly aggressive toe-in. Sounded a lot like I remembered on favorite recordings after the total power down test.

A pair of subs and new front end are still on the wish list.