Dual mono integrated amps

I’m curious about dual mono integrated amps and if they can approximate the benefits of monoblocks. I had the good fortune of trying a friend’s electronics which included a dual mono preamp driving a pair of monoblocks and the result was not subtle. There was an expanded soundstage with more solid imaging. Is this an effect that most of you experience when each channel has dedicated circuitry? Are there particular examples of integrated amps utilizing a dual mono design that do a particularly good job in this respect? Ones that don’t?

Thanks for the help


I have an SAE Two A14 integrated amplifier, dual mono design. Designed by SAE, but made in Japan in 1980. It’s top notch! Each preamp and amp has its own power supply. It’s the reason I haven’t had the urge to upgrade. 

This FAD of putting 2 behemoths on the floor between speakers is just plain stupid. It refelects the spudity of the owners.

My first amp in 1978 was an AU 717 Sansui. It was a dual mono design. Great amp.  My $.02

I applaud the dual mono concept in integrateds, but it's not the same as mono blocks.  Separate chassis, separate power cords, even separate circuit breakers if you can arrange it.

That said, you can get fine sound from an integrated amp, and dual mono is one of the many techniques available to amp designers to improve sound quality.