Cary Audio: Tube preamp (SLP-98) paired with (SA-200.2) solid state amplifier?

high quality tube preamp + high current solid state - ever try it?

I'm considering replacing my current tube amp with a SLP-98 tube preamplifier and SA-200.2 solid state amplifier.  Never heard this before, need the extra grunt for my larger inefficient speakers... 
Hi Wolf,
Incidentally, on that note I live in Pass land. :) Threshold, Pass, XA, Firstwatt, all around me, everywhere here. Along with competing AudioNote custom tube amp builders (battle of the amp builders..hahah)  Grew up working at the same speaker factory back in the 80s where it all kinda started..., prior with Dr. Von Heil (FET transistors). My grandfather worked on those FET projects back east too, in-depth.  For one, i'm truly amazed at what Nelson has managed to do and how "close" he gets with transistors. Agree on XA25, maybe more so than SIT-3.  More recent proof in getting closer is his recent DIY stuff with "NuTube", tube is tube.  Look up NuTube DIY preamps if you have not done so.   He is no stranger to tube :)  Transistors is just what he does, well. 

Even tried some of DH Inspires as a follow-on to some earlier Triode Cary stuff. All done with that now  Achieving the right combo of tube power with dynamics has been the goal for me (with my particular cutsom designed hybrid electrostatic speakers), much closer now with local design dual mono amps. Back to pentode now - not triode. With the right bias, the right triode input tubes, pentode power is hitting the sweat spot now for me - lush with notable dynamics while retaining deep wide sound stage.    Build all my own speakers past 40 years.  I run dual custom built Scanspeak solid state powered subs myself, very musical too. Good fun!     

I have an SLP 98 P with all factory upgrades and premium NOS tubes, Popes, Sylvania 6SN7 tubes  Brimmar and Bugle boy small tubes into Pass Labs SS amps. I stopped looking for anything else. Tube pre, solid state SS is the very best of both worlds IMHO. 

Last year I rested my Had "sep" tube amp to try a Pass XA-25...the Pass, a somewhat unique and original design unlike any other pass design (including First Watt stuff), is an absolutely brilliant thing that sounds astonishingly good...I still swap in my Had amp sometimes, but man...the XA-25 gets most of my attention these days. Highly recommended. By the way, I use an original series Schiit Freya preamp and having tried many tubes (including NOS Sylvanias...nice tubes) I prefer NOS GEs.