First off are Audiophiles ever happy with their components? We are all chasing a dream, but we don't know what that is. My journey has taken me from a $5k system to one that would be considered to be does not matter the price. I have learned so much over the last 5 years and have made many mistakes. It is all part of the process.
Clean power and room acoustics are super important. If you get that right everything else is easy. If your system budget is under $50k, buy the best-used equipment you can find. Take your time. Go to audio shows.
I am not a fan of a lot of dealers because they just try to jam what they have down your throat. I buy equipment from all over the world and have not purchased one item from my local dealer. That is sad but a fact of life. I go where I can get the best deal for what I am looking for.
Not counting clean power and room acoustics here is my % breakdown. I am 100% digital so this is a major factor in my setup.
Amplifier 20%, DAC/Music Server 45%, Speakers - 20%, Cabling / Power Cords 15%
These percentages have nothing to do with the cost I paid, but it has everything to do with the actual relevance of SQ. They are all synergistic.
My advice if I were starting over is to buy brands that you can turn around and sell. I have had many great components that were not well known. It can be tough to sell them even though they are great. It is now why I own Aries Cerat and Lampizator.
Lastly, as you progress up the high end chart, the wife factor does come into play...LOL. I mentioned a preamp that cost $72k and my wife went apes**t. It is a journey. It is not how fast you get there. Enjoy the ride and the music.