Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls

There have been several recent threads that have included both of these speaker. However, much of the discussion has focused on the Perspectives, with a number of positive reviews. I am quite interested in hearing them, but am also seriously considering the far more expensive Pearls as well. 


I am wondering if anyone has done a direct comparison or has upgraded from the Perspectives to the Pearls?  I am specifically interested if the Pearls might overwhelm my room (13 X 18 with 9 foot ceilings) which is not a space dedicated to my system (it's my living room.)

Thanks in advance for your experiences with these two speakers. 


Makes no sense why Mr Joseph would add 2 sets of binding posts if it makes no difference. It's an added expense for the manufacturer and a larger expense for the customer. 

It makes sense from an economic standpoint.  There have been speaker manufacturers who don't believe biwiring makes a difference, but they are selling to an audiophile community in which many think it does, and demand speakers that can be bi-wired.  So...sell 'em what they want.

One of my friends has heard the Pearls and $32K KMD 700R’s and liked the KMD 700R’s more.. was more musical engaging more real sounding

Is the KMD 700R using the same Seas driver?  I know Joseph Audio has them built  to specs, so manufacturers may have them “tweaked.”  Your friend must be single because the KMD 700Rs probably have the lowest WAF in the entire universe of speakers.