The Forgotten

Every time I come across a gem in this hobby I inevitably come to the conclusion that there must be a ton of wonderful gear out there that has either slipped through the cracks or been forgotten. I decided to start a thread hoping some of you would spill the beans.  

I’ll start, but I don’t have a tone of experience. Totem, I believe to be very underrated.  I find they truly have a magic to them.  I’d throw out Harbeth but they surely aren’t forgotten.  Audio Mirror is one I’m pretty fascinated with based on my Tubadour  I recently acquired a Lab12 Integre4 that I think is better than anything I’ve had.  For example McIntosh, Bryston, Audio Research, Primaluna and a bunch of mid-fi.  Anyways, I think my experience is lacking but that’s what I’ve got.  





I'm not sure Wharfedale qualifies as "forgotten".  They're pretty mainstream. 

Interesting discussion. For me there are some brands that played a strong role when I was beginning my journey. Some are now no longer in business. 
NHT as mentioned 



Rogers loudspeakers 





Realistic speakers had some real gems, one of them the optimus 10. Also, Jensen made some real nice speakers, the system series 400/500. Owned them both. More modern and affordable gems also come to mind, such as wharfedale 225’s and Elac B6.

I had a superb integrated some years ago, made in China. The brand name was Dussun. They made a lot of Mark Levinson stuff. There was nothing that amp couldn't do well.