Audio Research i/50

Hey folks!


Thinking to get one of these beauties for my main system paired with either a Zu DW or a Klipsch Forte/Cornwall. With the phono and DAC modules for my Lumin streamer and VPI tt.

Any experience?

Thanks in advance!


I should have mentioned in my previous post that I own an ARC Ref 6SE, and that I toured the ARC factory last summer (I live nearby). The i/50s are built by the same folks in the same building as everything else. They were building a lot of them, palettes and palettes marked for shipping all over the world. They even have their own paint booth for them in-house (cerakote I believe). They sweat the details at ARC, the i/50 is no exception.

for the same $$$ you can buy a Mcintosh 252  plus the MC has auto bias.  wonder how they would compare?

The McIntosh 252 doesnt have autobias, it does have tubes in the preamp stage of a solid state integrated amplifier. How would they compare? Two different audiences bult to drive two different kinds of speakers.

thanks guys!

I like the idea of an all american system, I might sell my Acoustic Signature TT and get myself a VPI. 

There a big difference in the MacIntosh sound and the Audio Research sound. I love the look of the Mac… I have repeatedly gotten motivated to buy one… gone in to audition and within 30 seconds gave that idea up. Macintosh is a very well respected brand, well made, keeps its value. Personally I think they sound fantastic with rock music and speakers that have a good amount of treble. But they do not have the detail and balance of Audio Research which plays to my values. Anyway, listen to determine which appeals to you.