Under my tower speakers -- Isoacoustics Gaia, other options?

I have Ascend towers (45lbs each) on a concrete floor covered in thin wall to wall with an area rug on top of that. I am looking into different footers for my speakers and am curious what people with towers on concrete have tried and liked.

To my mind, something as expensive as Townshend platforms do not seem worth it, as they'd cost about a third of the price of the speakers themselves.

If you've tried Gaia III isolators or other kinds of feet for your speakers, especially on concrete floors, I'm curious to hear your observations. Thanks.


It's tedious,yes.The men aren't exactly dynamic personalities. But I could definitely hear the differences in the tracks they played with the different products installed and was surprised by which combination I preferred by the end.I'm actually beginning to start the process of trying different footers and platforms. My floor is wood over a basement though so not applicable to your setup.


@jtcf Thank you for positing this.  The video confirms what I heard with my first set of Pods under my CD transport.  I am pending receipt of Platforms for my pre-amp and amp.  (I have a 17 year old seismic sink which is essential for my VPI TNT VI-otherwise, I would replace it with a Platform).  

The podium prices are reasonable for most speakers.  The use for the subwoofer could be enhanced with a plate covering the cut-out logo in the middle of the podium.  As is, it's obvious that downfiring woofers or ports could react negatively to the cut-out.

@fleschler so you got through the video, lol?I have an old seismic sink also which is under an equally old Audiolab integrated that is used for TV duties. In my listening/living room the equipment is all on sand platforms, IsoAcoustics feet,and a walnut cutting board(CD player). My speakers are down ported like the sub in the video so I was very interested in what the different results would be if any. They definitely were not subtle. So I have two Primacoustic platforms ordered to try under the speakers and they'll also fit under my subs and I will see what happens for better or worse.Another tactic I was considering was fashioning something with a maple board along with EVA foam and neoprene which is a lot of fussing with correct ratios and heavy lifting. I'd really rather not.

My second listening room's Legacy Signature IIIs have a down firing woofer.  I use a very heavy 2" thick Mapleshade block under them.  They previously sounded best on spiked carpet/slab.  They did not sound good with a 1" thick granite shelf under them. The CD player and small tube pre-amp sit on large buckwheat pillows (the EAR 324 also sat on a pillow for best sound).  The tube amp sits on a marble deck.  

I listened to nearly the entirety of the video, skipping some of the Isoacoustics sound examples (I already knew what they did to the sound and didn't have to hear the entire music to affirm that).