Interconnect advice needed


I need an almost 10 feet interconnect between pre amp and power amp. Both with tubes.
I know all cables affects the signal and naturally I I want this effect to be as small as possible.
I've just bought Klipsch Heresy IV and I don't want the cable to emphase the midrange bump in these speakers even more.

Any suggestion for a cable this long max $1000?



Thanks for a really interesting and informative post.
Have you any recommendations for damping material? 
Feels a little scary to remove the horns from the box.

I will try another thing first. I read on another forum a post from a guy having the same problem. He got the advice to experiment with toe out. I have tried many placements, but not that.

Actually, I like the British polite sound more, but I can´t find any speakers sensitive enough for my 12w SET.


Toeing out the speakers seems like good advice.

Dynamat makes some good material that you can purchase in sheets. Just slice out what you need with a carton knife, remove the backing and stick them on. Literally takes 10 minutes per driver.

The Klipsch drivers are held in with machine screws. So, they can be removed and retightened with zero risk of damaging the cabinet or the fasteners. The midrange horn is pretty bulky, so I’d have a friend near by to support them. IF you feel the need to remove the assembly from the cabinet, there will likely be push in connectors for the speaker wires. No tools (or, special skill) required.

Your amp setup may be the perfect companion to your Heresys. Well played.

Best of luck to you. Looks like you’ve made some good choices. Enjoy.

OP, yes I have tried Wire World Eclipse… I think it was 7. To me they seemed worth the money.. but, as always they must be tried in your system. In comparisons, for me in my systems I preferred DHLabs. But that is not saying anything against WireWorld.

Cardas Cygnus. A lot of trickle-down technology. If you can stretch your budget, it should be the endgame! I have Mogami's incredible value/performance but not in the league of $1K cables.