Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh

Hope this isn't redundant tried to post in Tech Talk

Just moved my system to a new home/sound room and it still sounds harsh and a bit thin despite supposedly "warm" sounding Harbeth 30.1 speakers. This issue is not new and I had put the blame on the old listening room.  Can't figure out what the problem is. I listen loud at 80dcbl or higher and sit nearfield about 8 feet from the speaker plane. (sound is thin and bright from afar as well) I have experimented in both homes with speaker placement, toe-in and the like. Speakers are placed a lil over 3 feet from the rear wall and about two and a half feet from side walls.  I feel something is off. Perhaps a component or two that is known to be tipped up in the highs and a lil bass shy?? Also, I leave all solid state components fully powered up 24/7. (not the tubes)


Modwright/Oppo BDP 105 disc player  (all mods with tubed power supply and pricey NOS tube upgrades throughout)  Looking to replace once the harshness/bright issue is nailed down.

Parasound JC2 Preamp

Pass Labs X250.5 Amp

Harbeth 30.1 stand mount speakers

Puritan Labs PSM 156 power conditioner. (less "edgy" sound with it in system)

System is run all balanced with fairly costly Cardas interconnects.

All input is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Happy listening.






Your comment about “Being able to crank it even more”, I think says something about what you value in sound. Have you auditioned a large number of speakers? I would recommend doing a tour of speakers at dealers. Try B&W… and what ever other high end brands are available. I think you may have a speaker sound / value mismatch. You want speakers that really appeal to your values.

Your physical move… your change in venues, changed the speaker requirements. I think this is complicating things. 

Did you post photos in your virtual system, under your ID? This can be really helpful for us to be helpful.

I am considering the xp-12 but first want to try taking the Oppo out of the mix with a high end dac. 

I feel the sound gets more hashy and bright as the system warms up after being powered down overnight. (not real smooth or great sounding at the start either, just worse as it warms up) Might have to do with tubes, I have 3 sets of output tubes with low hours, No real difference when I change them out when the brightness shows, So maybe rectifier or other tubes in the separate power supply??   Have to hunt those down but only after trying a dac change first. Really not into tube rolling,

And yes still gotta get around to taking pics and posting on my profile, 

Thanks all for your input.  Im taking my time before throwing more dollars at this but I know its inevitable as perhaps being more critical I have higher expectations than before.


Thanks to yyzsantabarbara I learned that the jc2 pre amp is out of whack and since I bought yy's Musetec dac I am not willing to wait for the jc2 to be repaired. (shipping, turnaround time) .  Just ordered a Benchmark LA4 preamp after hearing it played on yyzsantabarbara's impressive set up. (plus his glowing reviews and vast experimentation with all sorts of pricey gear) Really don't think I can go wrong for the price...30 day trial and all. Now have to put on my 21st century ears and get into streaming the right way.   Might have something more to ad once the LA$ arrives.

Post removed 

Just tried Musetec 005 dac (already broken in) fed by Oppo bdp 105 via optical out (cd) with dac fed straight into the Pass Labs X250.5 (by passing Modwrighted tubed output) (jc2 headed back to Parasound for repair) Unfortunately my 105 does not have usb audio output.

Far from best set up. Waiting for Benchmark LA4 to be shipped.

BUT....First impressions: sound is cleaner, fuller if not a lil recessed compared to what I had before especially with the oppo feeding the amp directly. (unlistenable) there's a deeper soundstage...voices don't glare as much. And there's more pronounced instrument separation.  This is all very promising. Hoping new pre amp will bring more low end and smooth out the top end.  LA4, though, is said to let the source and amp fixing the sound.  CDP might need replacing...then gotta pin down streaming.

But can listen to this while waiting for the new pre