...don’t know if I should break into tears or lapse into psychotic laughter....
What have I paid? Enough to make me happy for the time being.
Will I spend more? Likely.
@mrmeaner ...Yeah, it’s on the verge of that... 😏
Most would likely do a spit-take on what I’ve spent.
Do I care? Will someones’ response make me feel....’inadequate’?
Oh, hell....NO.
Re your comment (which I don't take personnally, only as a point of 'reference'....*L*), I opt for the old saying of:
"If 'it' makes her happy & content....it's enough...."
(It's all in application, anyway....;)...)
Back to things audio....
Whatever one opts to spend ones' discretionary dinero doing what floats ones' boat is their option And I'd be the last to argue about it. I've got 'other things' that I Have to throw it at, that makes more sense and has more impact on my 'day2day' enjoyment of this diversion in the long haul.
Besides....I count on y'all to get bored and/or disappointed in the whatever puts you into that state so I can enhance what I'm about.
As for the latter...
Wait for it.
I've had to be patient, and you've no choice in the matter. *LOL*