Why Do Some Recordings Sound Great and Others Dead?

I listen to Radio Paradise MQA on my NODE 3, SMSL M400, B and O Beolab 8000’s and Hsu 15in sealed sub.  The acoustics in my room are poor.  I’ve noticed that some recordings sound very realistic. For instance the vocals on a Stabat Mater dolorosa hymn sounded great.  But a Nora Jones recording was terrible.  Her voice was lost in back of some murky instruments.  I’m familiar with this recording listening to it on my iPod, where her voice shines out and the music is good.  I’m wondering why the big differences?


@erik_squires  Thx for your explanation.  I reread it, and I can appreciate the considerable time and expertise in your analysis.  I don’t currently have enough knowledge to follow up on it with any confidence. My room is a mess, but I  can’t do much to improve it.  I tried following various suggestions and acoustic placement principles, but with 2 Beolab8000 speakers, 2 subs and an unwieldy room, I’m just guessing.  I’ve worked on speaker microadjustments,  Next I’ll try the subs.  Since my speakers and subs are all powered, I’m not using a preamp with the SMSL M400.  I wonder if that could be a problem? Maybe some day I’ll have more confidence to try minidsp or Dirac.

@emrofsemanon  Thx for your comments!  I just listened to May Erlewine’s ‘Days Gone By’ and her voice was very forward, loud and clear.  I believe the same is true of the Nora Jones recording mentioned above - but it just does not come through on my stereo system.  Until I get it ‘fixed’ I’ll just listen to what sounds best for me. 

@OP - If you feel uncomfortable, here's my recommendation:


Corner Bass traps or soffit traps from GIK.   The soffit traps work a little better, but the corner bass traps give you more floor space.

Not sure if RP is the a good reference or not as I don't use that service, but there are a couple things to consider. 

- If you don't know the CAT # of the specific album, well that is a major prob.  That is also a big downside to streaming - you have no idea (many times) of the provenance as well as they can remove/change said album version at any given point and you'll never know (generally speaking)

- The recording/mixing/mastering means everything (provenance) and if one doesn't know that then all bets are off

- Some recordings most def sound better than others (I would hope so)?  However, as has been pointed out, the room/acoustics are paramount to SQ along with proper setup.  Those two items are an absolute MUST before anything else. 

i also believe in "tone control courage" IOW using definitive electronic means to correct an incorrect frequency balance in a given recording. 

With my current setup I don’t have any tone controls.  The NODE has some when using the internal DAC.  I’m bypassing that into the SMSL DAC, which has no tone controls.  I don’t have a preamp, and my speakers are powered.  I’d have to put something into the system like a Lokius, minidsp or minidsp ddrc24.  There are some crossover frequency and q controls on my subs.