What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


"What is the current retail cost of your reference system?"

Reference system = only system.

Retail cost would be around $30K, but my actual cost was much less.

The only components I bought new are my dac and ethernet switch. I look at it the same as buying golf putters. There are so many people that try to buy their way out of problems, instead of looking to where the real problems lie.



I’ll play.  I’m retiring early so this is probably my end game.  I started this system two years ago.  

BnW 802D4 26k

shitty HT amp (upgrading as soon as stock market rebounds to Moon 860Av2) 20k

Cambridge CXN streamer 1.3 k

HT subs 4k (plan to upgrade to 10k)

x-over (JL audio) 3k

power con 1k

cables 1k

Acoustic Curtains/DIY Panels 1.5k

64k Total.  Wow. I could have bought a Tesla.  






Retail around 50k

Out of pocket around 30K

I have a 50k boat but most of my friends have 150-250K boats. They look at my speaker cables and think I am nuts. I see them working their ass off on their boat and think their crazy. 

Everybody spends their money a little different. I do not mind spending 150-200 on a bottle of Tequila . Some folks think that is excessive. If you dont make yourself happy nobody else will.