What is the story with Rega Appolo?

It’s time to upgrade my source - Toshiba SD 9200. I was considering Rega Apollo, but overall score for this player on www.audioreview.com is not very high and I see a lot of units being sold on the used market. That seems strange for a 2 year model.
Remarkably unremarkable.

A dozen better players available at that price point.

Recent price increase due to weak USD makes it a low value product.
You might want to check out the Jas Musik tube CD player; it uses a single 12AX7 and a rectifier tube. I had the Rega Apollo for awhile but the Jas, in my opinion, completely outperforms it, especially after upgrading the Sovtek 12AX7 to a NOS Amperex.
Bobgates, nice to hear from another JAS Audio Musik owner. I am very happy with my player also, and I can second all you say about it. I use a Raytheon triple mica 5751 in mine.
On the used market, you'll save about $400. If you go new, you can try it in your system. I opted for the later, and paid $100 off of retail (dealer gave me a slight discount). I went to three different dealers and tried three different players over the course of the same week. The Apollo was the clear winner. Good detail, clean highs, although top loading is a little weird. If you buy right on the goN, you'll be able to resell for about what you paid. The negative comments by the people above were probably in reference to an Appolo - I am not familar with that ;)