Dear @alan60 : " My take on all this is the company is being different for the sake of being different. "
That’s what @clearthinker posted and seems to me is just rigth.
I return to something I already posted:
" all the designer/manufacturer statements he posted in his site has no single evidence to be true. " and are stupid for say the least. I don’t care about followers.
What K.Scott could says a bout has no importance to any one but you because there is not factible evidence/facts to support it.
Almost all in this thread are already cooking the " fish " when not even pick-up the fish, go figure.
If you just did not understand that the VIV 10° of TAE avoid/impedes for the cartridge STYLUS TIP can ride in adequated/accurated way the groove modulations that’s where is the " rigth fish "and if the cartridge stylus tip can’t ride succesfully those modulations because of that very hifgh TAE then and before any kind of developed distortions as in any tonearm you just do not have the " fish " that is in the recording but a way different kind of fish that puts you away from the recording. If you can’t understand those facts then is you who has not the authority to chime about.
Your like it or the other " like it " owners or Scott are only good to each one of you that understand nothing what is really happening down there.
Please think on this: where " things " start/begin before you can listen any kind of sound? Yes, that stylus tip TAE be at minimum not at maximum as your tonearm 10° TAE.
Please first pick-up the rigth " fish " not the other. Gentleman just common sense.
You are a VIV satisfied owner, good try to follow in that way but don’t try to win a war with out any real/true weapon. But that’s you and free to make what ever you want it.