What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


@tonywinga ​​@jjss49 and similar posts ...

I find it reassuring that in a thread with the potential for a great deal of acrimony, 

you guys inject a strong dose of common sense ...

Thanks for that!  

Different people have different values and live different lives. Some commit themselves to education and hard work and make a lot of money. Others prefer a more balanced life between work and family and may have less resources.many spend money across a dozen interests… some over just a a few. Then there is your nature… frugal or indulgent. Many more parameters.

Folks that are passionate about work, and with few pursuits can end up with high dollar system. Folks with more diverse interests and less focus can end up with wonderful system but with less dollar value. Too much ego and we end up with folks just accusing others of not being the same as yourself.


Personally I respect folks with $10K systems that have a passionate love of music and put a huge effort into assembling it. I have a lot of respect regardless of the cost provided folks truly love and pursue great high quality systems… even if the cost five or ten times what mine does. I don’t assume just because someone has more money than I do that they are stupid. My experience has been exactly the opposite.


Well said and your wife is amazing.  I hide my audio equipment expenditures from my wife and she pretends that she doesn’t notice.

@vonhelmholtz You are correct sir.  In fact, I married her twice, but that's a story I'll save for thread on domestic bliss. 🤣