Reel to Reel Machine for 15 ips playback

Looking for recommendations on a reel to reel machine for 15 ips tape.  I'm new to reel to reel so mainly looking for reliability and ease of use.  Mainly concerned with playback no recording right now.  

Mara machine?

Refurbished Ampex or Studer?


I see some Otari MTR10 1/4" for sale on craigslist in Denver.  Not sure if this would work in the home environment?  $3500

The Mara machines are reconditioned MCIs which I remember from the ’70s in studios. I’m pretty sure they get credit for auto-locate- you could punch in a number and the deck would advance (or rewind) to that point. These were 24 tracks, with MCI boards, which weren’t super expensive at the time. I know the Ampex and Studer machines tend to be regarded as 1st tier; I don’t know enough about the MARA machines to comment, other than that the product they reconditioned was a relative bargain, and considered to be an advancement, in the solid state world at the time.

It’s hard to translate studio to home-- I heard these things in a context where the tape was new, the recording was fresh and I was listening to multi-track. It’s 50 years later. It is an antediluvian technology and that can be addressed; to my knowledge, MCI was popular. back in the day precisely because it wasn’t considered "Swiss jewels."

But from a home audiophile perspective, Mike and the others I flagged will be able to give you a more current perspective as a home listener/user, and perhaps, where you can find value.

Here's a piece on MCI:

As to Otari, I understand it sounds good as a sort of interim step, like pro-sumer, but the deck will be the least costly part of this-- the tapes are gonna cost in today's market. 

A high speed B-77 1/2 track….w immaculate setup and maintenance w a quality tape can be formidable. Whart is spot on about a competent tech closeby or invest in a roadie shipping case….

have fun, enjoy the journey