Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range

Looking for a cd player (redbook only). What would be your top 5 players in the 1000-2000$ price range.
Why spend mega bucks and get on the upgrade ladder, just get top of the line oppo. I've compared the Cambridge mentioned and oppo in my system in A/B type listening and oppo was much better. I also have a sony scd, and it is almost a draw.
Buy a used Mcintosh MCD-201............used prices have come WAY DOWN because of the new MCD-301.
Excellent SACD and Redbook. Great player for less than $2000 now. Shop around here. ALWAYS WORTH MONEY!
Don't overlook the Sony XA9000ES at about $1350 used. It is also built like a tank and should last a lifetime,