Choosing between Cornwall IV, Trio15 or X4 Ultra

I'm currently listening to Schiit Frey+ - PrimaLuna Evo300 poweramp - Sonus Faber Sonetto III each with a REL T7i. Sources are Ultrarendu - Schiit Gungnir and SOTA Comet III - Pro-Ject Tube Box. 

The room is 28'X33' with ceilings that start at one side wall 15' and slant up to 26'.  The room is divided in half by a 4' wooden cabinet that splits the room in half like a mini wall.  It's split level by 18".  So my "actual" listening area is 16'X28' but open to the entire room.  Speakers are on the 16' wall.

I'm looking for a sound with more body and visceral impact.  My current setup has impressive soundstage, detail, and imaging, very holographic.  With jazz/instrumental it really shines.  If I had to keep it as is I would be happy.  I listen primarily at night with low volumes.  At low volumes, the soundstage of course collapses and does not bring me joy.  Even during loud listening, it is lacking a je ne sais quoi.  

So I am thinking of changing out the speakers with Klipsch Cornwall IV, Pure Audio Project Trio15, or Spatial Audio Lab X4 Ultra.  I've heard the Cornwalls and was impressed.  I don't think going to "demo" the other speakers would really give me a realistic idea of what they would sound like in my home so I think I'll just order and ship them back if hate them.  

Thoughts?  My budget is $5K - 10K.  





If you want new speakers, that's what you want. The PrimaLuna, OTOH, gives you many options for tube rolling. Pretty sure they can accept all the way to KT150s?

Have you done anything in this direction? 

Agree with Russ. I just bought a newesd set of Volti Rivals which are powered by my Primaluna 300 Evo integrated with KT-150s + Radiotechniques and I'm gobsmacked how good they are. I'm coming from Sapphire M3s which were and are wonderful audiophile speakers but the Rivals (which msrp for 3x more than the M3s) take that same audophile and add a wallop to them that is more like Thor's hammer. 

The M3s were like being in the recording stuidio with the band and the Rivals are like being at a concert. I was not prepared for what they unleash when cranked up to .....5.

New Rivals are $15k but you may be able to find them used as I did. Razz's are around $6,500 and you have subs so that may be the ticket. I was going to buy a new set of Razz wth subs before I found the used Rivals. 

Also, I haven't heard Spatial X series which are better than the M3s so I can't comment on that. 

Dweller - I much prefer Ultralinear to Triode myself. Triode sounds like a think blanket was placed over the speaker to me. But that is why PL has the option - some prefer one over the other.

I was hoping but not set on eliminating the subs.
The space where I’m putting the speakers will have them 2-3 feet away from the front wall but with my center console the Cornwalls would pretty much fill the width of the room. 
im not in a hurry so I’ll look into the Voltis 

I’m so grateful for all of your input. It’s nice to get somebody else’s perspective on some thing that I’ve been contemplating for so long.


@laynes - Have you talked to Kevin at Upscale about the Triode sound?

The veiling you describe should be a concern. Does increasing the playback volume make a difference?