Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range

Looking for a cd player (redbook only). What would be your top 5 players in the 1000-2000$ price range.
"I don't think the Cambridge pieces are all that good."

Could you tell us what Cambridge pieces you have actually had in your system and what it is you didn't like about them. I am about to purchase a player and am considering the Cambridge line.
I have a cambridge 640A (I believe is the model). This is the hard drive based system with the previous top of the line CDP integrated into it (at least that is how it was marketed). I use this piece regularly (primarily as a music server). I have listened carefully via its own internal DACs and also via its digital outs going into my Resolution Audio Opus 21 GNSC. The weakness of the Cambridge units (in my opinion) is that the DACs aren't anything special. For my purposes, background music via the hard drive the piece serves my purpose well, very well.

However, if this were my primary CDP, I would be disappointed with it. It is purely an also ran. Not particularly full of life, a little flat in the staging, not overly dynamic. However, keep in mind I am comparing this to much more expensive CDPs that I have run over the past year in my system (Wadia, Audio Aero Prima and Capitole and the Resolution Audio Opus 21 GNSC).

Do I think the Cambridge is bad? No, but I don't think it is special either. I think it is purely an also ran that does not deliver as well as many other similarly priced CDPs and even lesser priced one. Will you hate it? Probably not. Will you love it? Doubtful.

I think you will find that it does not deliver much notable improvement over whatever you are presently running. I guess my thought is that you can do better without having to spend more. I hope this answers to some degree my thoughts and confirms that I am not just spewing comments about a product line I have never experienced. This being said, my comments are based on the 640 as I have not listened specifically to the 840 (so perhaps I am way off base, but the 640 was previously highly regarded by "professional" reviewers.)
I looked at the Cambridge web page and discovered the 640H music server that you are using has 1 Wolfson Dac, the 640c V2 has 2 Wolfson Dacs, 1 per channel. I would think that the 640H is comparable to the old 640c CD player, the 640c V2 is supposed to be quite a bit better than the older 640c. I have not actually heard any of the Cambridge players but some seem to love them and others are not impressed, like anything else they need to work within the context of your system.
Phill, I hope I did not come across as an expert on the Cambrige 640H and the CDP plat it has within it. It does not surprise me that Cambridge has made improvements to this DAC/CDP/HD system/server. Both the CD player that was part of this device and ths device itself both received very favorable professional reviews. The CDP was touted as being better than many more expensive units (if my memory is correct). This can be said of virtually anything produced now days; however, this does not mean that it is the best in its price range or even better than most or everything below its price range.

This is my impression of my experience with the Cambridge equipment. Sure it is better than some more expensive items (but so are some $200 Best Buy units). This does not make an item "great". I think Cambridge is a good advertiser and hence they get a fair number of reviews for budget minded items. My experience with their stuff is that it is budget stuff and not necessarily noticeable better than much of the mass market stuff. Please keep in mind that I own the 640H and am perfectly happy with it for my intended use and purpose. It is not bad, it is not great. It is a solid unit that performs adequately. Take that as you may, but it is my opinion of what I have heard of this unit and also limited other experience (at dealers) with Cambridge equipment. I consider it in the same class as Rotel or Arcam, for what that is worth. I also don't think their stuff holds good value and would very seriously consider buying used.

Again, in the $1,000 to $2,000 range, I think you can do much better.
If you are ok with a soldering iron, an Audio Note Dac kit plus something like an Oppo for a transport.