I am not a "big time" investor, and I am not a money manager looking for new clients. I am a systematic and patient investor, using the power of compounding and time over decades to ultimately produce a reliable income that means security. But that process can be seriously damaged by unwise spending. And, in fact, I would advise against most money managers, because automatic investing in index funds is not only the best way to do it, but also quite simple IF one just takes the time to read a book or two...
And I do feel sad when I see people damaging their financial futures by throwing money at things that ultimately don’t matter to performance: especially young people who damage their futures by buying fancy blingy toys, like fancy new cars or unnecessarily expensive audio equipment to impress their so-called friends... but, hey, if one has money to burn and bling is a priority for whatever reason, then have at it, but I am not impressed. Bling is pretty to look at and toys are fun to handle, but aren’t people here more interested in music reproduction? (well, maybe not... some people here are more technophiles and blingophiles than musicphiles.)
What I AM is an audio enthusiast with a passion for music - ... for music ... - reproduced in a high-quality rich natural enjoyable way with livable components, but here’s my twist, as an antidote for the spend-crazy faction on this site: frugality. Frugality is being wise with money. My speciality in the audio world is excellent music production that can be, with care and knowledge, had for surprisingly little money through the careful selection of high-value products.
Many people on this site are enamored with bling or with impressing each other with how much money they spend on things that are ultimately trivial for the excellent reproduction of music. I am providing a contrarian view, a view carefully come to over four decades in the hobby, to that tendency. The throw-money-at-it tendency is a real disservice to anybody who, for example, might be new to the hobby or who might not actually realize, because maybe they never tried it, having been convinced by deluded audiofools who equate spending money with achieving excellent sound, that high-level audio can be had for surprisingly little money.
Some people on this site don’t want to hear any of that though...