Cable discussions here tend to come down to beliefs. I believe a cable can improve the SQ. Or, I believe it can’t. But this issue is not about believing. Just listen and hear for yourself. No belief is required. Reshelving fees make us want to know what’s possible. In the end, your ears tell the truth. While at an audio show, a manufacturer swapped out four of their power cords. Frankly, I was a little pissed that I heard differences. I wanted to hear the same SQ from all the cords. Even though the SQ was unmistakeable different, I chose not to spend $1,000 on a power cord not because it wouldn’t help but because i have some ceilings on my spending. You can believe me or not but there’s no reason for belief to enter a cable discussion. As for the science behind it all—it doesn’t matter. You hear it or you dont. Whatever your answer is, you’re right.