Last question to OP: Do you use OCC wire (speaker and IC)?
I won't use anything but...
Choosing between Cornwall IV, Trio15 or X4 Ultra
I'm currently listening to Schiit Frey+ - PrimaLuna Evo300 poweramp - Sonus Faber Sonetto III each with a REL T7i. Sources are Ultrarendu - Schiit Gungnir and SOTA Comet III - Pro-Ject Tube Box.
The room is 28'X33' with ceilings that start at one side wall 15' and slant up to 26'. The room is divided in half by a 4' wooden cabinet that splits the room in half like a mini wall. It's split level by 18". So my "actual" listening area is 16'X28' but open to the entire room. Speakers are on the 16' wall.
I'm looking for a sound with more body and visceral impact. My current setup has impressive soundstage, detail, and imaging, very holographic. With jazz/instrumental it really shines. If I had to keep it as is I would be happy. I listen primarily at night with low volumes. At low volumes, the soundstage of course collapses and does not bring me joy. Even during loud listening, it is lacking a je ne sais quoi.
So I am thinking of changing out the speakers with Klipsch Cornwall IV, Pure Audio Project Trio15, or Spatial Audio Lab X4 Ultra. I've heard the Cornwalls and was impressed. I don't think going to "demo" the other speakers would really give me a realistic idea of what they would sound like in my home so I think I'll just order and ship them back if hate them.
Thoughts? My budget is $5K - 10K.