Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm

I am trying to do my due diligence about this arm. I am just having a hard time getting my head around this idea of zero overhang and no offset. Does this arm really work the way it is reported to do?


@mijostyn ​​​​​​the point here is, it is not for you to judge or pass comment on what should sound good to one individual as compared to another, everyone has their own preferences and tastes and let us be thankful for individuality.

Furthermore if the human ear cannot hear it, then who gives a stuff what they are missing as they will never know, so I am very happy to remain blissfully ignorant.

You are trying to tell people what is right and wrong in the audio world, a road from which you will not deviate and nor should others, in accordance with your own ideals, 'The Handmaid Tale' of audio springs to mind.

In my audio world there is no right and wrong just what the individual prefers.



Human ears make very poor measuring equipment and you do not know what you are missing. Ignorance is bliss.

Sadly, our ears are all we got. To go against our ’lying ears’ in the name of science shows lack of conviction in the ability to form and voice an opinion.


Dear @alan60  : At least read and understand what I posted to you:


I know that you and other VIV owners are really happy and I’m not against you. .

Yes, our hobby is about MUSIC enjoyment but exist a quality gradation for that enjoyment .  "


You posted:


"" In my audio world there is no right and wrong just what the individual prefers. ""


Then, you have your quality gradation level. Nothing wrong with that, that's the quality level that you like it. Fine with you, no problem at all and follow enjoying that quality level because at the end it's you who must be satisfied.





I too am glad that my own ears/brain determine what sounds satisfy myself, not what a machine tells me music should sound like.