Experience with Townshend Seismic Podiums on Concrete Floor (they're great)

​I have tower speakers on a concrete floor covered with carpet. Recently, I tried out the Townshend Seismic Podium (size 1)  on my Ascend Acoustics Towers (RAAL tweeter) for about 4-5 hours. Here is a brief recounting of my experience.

At first, I set up the podiums and just listened to well known tracks; next, a few days later, I used that same set of tracks to compare, A & B, the speakers on the podium vs. without the podium (but at the same height). A friend with me also compared this A/B setup. We listened to a simple jazz arrangement, a Mozart aria, a rock recording by Chesky, and a country/rock piece. All were well recorded.

The difference made by the podiums are not subtle. In general, it is as if the entire sonic presentation was brought into focus, as if a light veil or layer of dust had been wiped away. It organizes everything; it makes the parts of the whole make sense.

More specifically, these were the effects I noticed: 

Bass was slightly fuller, much cleaner and more distinct; for an electric bass, this meant that rounded notes that previously blurred in a sequence (too legato) become individual notes. String bass notes gained dimensionality and texture; the finger on the string became more real, and the resonance of the large wooden bass got fuller and richer. Rhythm sections were better able to stand out *as* rhythm sections, that is, as musicians who are working together.

As far as midrange and treble go, there was -- as with the bass -- more definition, clarity, detail. They sound more like instruments-in-the-room rather than the presence of instrument appearances. Not much about their tonal character changed, but they became more palpable and more exactly located.

That brings me to the soundstage. The width of the soundstage grew by about 10-14% — 5-7% on each side. It was remarkable. Instruments gained space, separation, and definiteness of location. They didn't sound apart or isolated but just more distinct, separated from other instruments. I imagined this as fidelity to the way the microphone recorded them or as the mixing engineer intended. 

When I ordered the podiums, I made sure to ask for the ability to return them. I was assured that I could return them if I just paid shipping. (No restocking fee.) I was skeptical and wanted an escape clause. I had watched a few videos and was curious about whether Mr. Townshend's scientific claims would translate into audible differences that would be worth the money (the podiums cost about 1/3 of my speakers' cost). 

Well, my skepticism is gone — and it disappeared rather quickly at first, and then after careful comparison. I am keeping the Townshend podiums. Are they better than Isoacoustics footers or other products? I don't know, because I have not compared them. But they're making a huge difference and, should I want to put other speakers on them, they'll fit the others I have, easily. I'm pretty sure I'll never give these up.



Thanks mapman. So  Isoacoustics stands+ Auralex Subdude platform. What do those cost, together? Still a fraction of Townshend but these things add up.

I use the Townshend podiums on a second floor wood constructed floor with carpet.  I tried spikes, no spikes, spikes into a limestone slab and herbies gliders.  The Townshend was the only one that cleaned up the bass and added the benefits of a greater soundstage and better localization of instruments.  To me they are an essential component.


For those us that don't want to pay more for our speakers than we did for our house, we are forced to look for products like the Townsend for a poor man's solution, and the reality is that we are going to have to try some different types to see (hear) what works best in our particular setting.


Well said!

Loudspeaker decoupling is now more or less universally accepted.

Even in the usually more cynical hard nosed pro-audio world where isolation pads, the kind you see advertised on Amazon nowadays, are routinely employed underneath professional monitors.

All seemingly within the space of a few short years.

Great news. Your experience just adds to the statistics and reinforced my belief that the Townshend Podiums register a 100% success rate with those who have tried. They only bring a positive impact to all systems that were installed with these, so far no complaints or remarks such as "can’t hear a difference" or "the sound got worse" sort of thing. I don’t have the budget for the Podiums so I had settled for the Isoacoustics Gaia.

I have tall, thinnish floor standers sitting on a wood floor suspended over a crawl space. They came with extending arms with spikes/discs and sat on top of the floor. I use Townshend's seismic platform under my turntable with superb results, but the prospect of the Townshends adding instability to my speakers wasn't something I wanted to risk even without kids.

I learned of a great company called Symposium acoustics (on Audiogon) that makes multi layered platforms that can go under anything and also makes roller blocks that serve a similar purpose to podiums. You can also put the platforms on top of the rollerblocks if you want more isolation.

The platforms themselves isolate the speakers while also cleaning up the  speakers' internal vibrations. The owner was honest and said I should try the platforms by themselves since they raised the speakers the exact same amount as the spikes/discs, and adding rollerblocks would raise the tweeter height which would change the sound.He was familiar with my speakers and said the improvement using his platforms on wood floors would be significant. Very patient owner who was sincerely interested in helping me improve the sound of my system.

I have to say the sound of the speakers was cleaned up and more focused, and the soundstage opened up. There was less coming out of the speakers - distortion was reduced dramatically. He told me that was expected. The entry level ones are very reasonable (Segue Platform although the stealth - black ones I got are more $$ and add another layer to the platforms), and if you want to spend more, you can on his higher level models, but the incremental improvement was not recommended for my application for the cost. I liked the guy so much (he custom cut the platforms to my needed dimensions with no upcharge) that I bought his rollerblocks for under my amp and phono stage for isolation purposes. I am sure they improved the sound, but nowhere near as noticeably as my turntable from Townshend or the speakers from Symposium.

Both companies have great products - it all depends on the application. Symposium's wouldn't work with a turntable as light as mine, and Townshend adding instability to my speakers wasn't something I could live with.