I received mine a few days ago. My initial impressions are:
1. The top end is crystal clear, with a lot of air surrounding instruments.
2. Soundstaging is three dimensional, front to back. In particular, I can hear the resonance of the recording space. Also, the placement of musicians is obvious, and I feel as if I'm sitting somewhere around 4th row center.
3. Bass has gravitas, yet is firm, taut, and not muddy or boomy.
4. Instruments sound like they should. In particular cymbals have sparkle and snare drums have snap, crackle, and pop.
5. Lots of micro-detail.
6. Very balanced across the spectrum ... no one element is emphasized or over-emphasized.
Granted the cables have about 6 hours on them, but these are my impressions right out of the box. I presume that they'll open up a lot more.