845 or 300b with Agalme?

Hello, I have Horning Agalme speakers, I think the other horning speakers would be similar but just smaller. and I’m looking to hear who has heard them with 845 and 300b type amps.


my room is 28 x 18 dedicated music room

Everything I have read is having me lean toward the Thoress 845 mono’s


I would appreciate any info.

Thanks, Scott



Looking at specs on that speaker I'd expect 845 to be better match. While I have no experience with Hornings, 90db efficiency and 4ohm nominal impedance, calling for 10-20wpc amp points to 300b SET being iffy proposition. I have both 300B and 845 SET amps, with my Klipschorns, 104db and Merlin VSM-MM 94db, 300B best with Khorns, 845 with Merlin.


I recently purchased Thoress phono, haven't heard yet as streaming has taken precedence. I'd bet on the Thoress 845 being wonderful with the Hornings. Not too many people in US know about Thoress, marketing much more focused on Europe.

Hi, I appreciate the info, the Horning website say 99db.

I have read good things about all of Thoress equipment.

congradulations on the Phono enhancer.

To my knowledge, the Horning speakers regardless of the model are 96 db sensitivity (Or higher). They are considered to be a very easy to drive flat 4 ohm speaker impedance.  I found this description on “Mono and Stereo” website.

The new Agalme statement speaker [€36.000/pr] is built around the new 6.5-inch PM65 Hørning/Lowther driver with 2.4 Tesla field strength in the voice coil’s air gap. For bass there are twelve 8" woofers in a push/pull array. For treble augmentation there is a new spiderless cone tweeter with 99dB efficiency. Overall system sensitivity is given as 102dB at 30Hz and 99dB at 20kHz. Each cabinet measures 200 x 65 x 40cm, weighs 130kg and "is built to a very high standard wood finish".

With the specs you guys quoted would work fine with 300B. I've had two 845 SET amps, greater impact, authority with 845, 300B more harmonic development, sweeter. I love both tubes, probably can't go wrong with either. Make sure you have high grade power tubes in either case. Review of Thoress monos in Postive Feedback were supplied with KR 845, those top grade if they have durability issues resolved, I had failures with these tubes many years ago. Reinhardt hand picks tubes for his components, my phono enhancer has very nice NOS, point being I'd trust whatever tubes the monos were supplied with. Love the Steampunk styling of Thoress as well.