HT and 2 channel in same room? 1 or 2 systems?

Hi all, I wasn't exactly sure where to post this but hoping someone here may have some advice for me.  This dilemma has been stressing me a bit so would appreciate any advice.  I'll try to make this as concise as possible.

I have recently put together a multichannel system as do a lot of movies/PS5.  System is Onkyo RZ50 AVR, Klipsch RF7-iii, RC-64iii and RP-600 for surround.  I plan on adding in ATMOS speakers and some big DIY subs soon.

I have always wanted to get into 2 channel audio also.  I have a fairly big room, 21x28, so I have also purchased a 5 year old pair of La Scala II's a few weeks ago and I just had a Willsenton R300 tube integrated amp delivereda day or two ago.

I thought at first I would have 2 separate systems in the same space.  I started doing some research into how to add a sub to that tube amp and found out I can do this via high level inputs, however, for every 1 discussion that seems to like that idea, I find another discussion or two that says you really need RCA out/bass management to make everything fit together. dilemma is do I push forward with 2 separate systems?  I'll have to find a way to fit another pair of subs for the 2 channel system via high level.  But this way I'll be able to enjoy the La Scala's via tube (thru Bluesound Node streamer) which I have been really looking forward to and then have a whole separate HT for gaming/movies.

But.....more than a few people have suggested this might be way over-thinking and over-complicating this and that I should just listen to music thought my multi-channel setup and forget the 2 separate systems.  If I did this, I guess I would just sell the RF7's and just listen to everything through the La Scalas.  And then I'd only need 2 subs, which would be a plus but then also kind of lose the dream of having a tube setup for music.  However, I have more often than not done upgrades and not heard any difference so I'm kind of expecting this with the tubes, too.  I have alot of hard surfaces in this room, which I'm working on rectifying, but I am def worried that if I hook up this tube amp, its not going to sound any different to me than going via Pure Audio/Direct thru the AVR.

So plusses to keeping separate, I get to listen to tubes.  Plusses to going down to 1 system, I can consolidate and sell extra set of speakers, only need 1 set of subs, get to return the tube amp.  I'm just not sure if saying I have tubes is worth that or not.

Appreciate any advice anyone may have on this situation.


+1 @fuzztone   I think this could be solved with a simple switch. If you’re neurotic about sharing grounds, dig inside and switch the grounds (most switches buss the grounding). Make certain everything is off when you flip the switch - although at line level to subs you may be OK doing it live. 

I would avoid using an AVR for 2 channel listening unless it’s a really good AVR. You would be missing out if you get ride of that tube amp before experiencing it. 

You have the space. As others have said, I would set everything up for good 2 channel listening, fill in with the other speakers where they fit and use room correction on the 7.2 system. Spend some time with what you got. 

A lot of this depends on your focus and what you use most. I have 2 systems in a shared space. After spending a bunch of time and money routing Atmos speakers and the like, I found two big issues. For starters, most of the film I enjoy is not in Atmos. Most good films worth the effort of the room were maybe done in 2 channel. Second, after experiencing a good SET tube amp, everything else sounds fake or artificial. The bouncing of the sound is usually down so poorly it feels like a gimmic. There is much more to a ‘real’ sound other than the physical location of the sound. 

since the ideal 2 channel room uses diffusion to retain energy. whereas the ideal Home Theater uses mostly absorption to reduce comb filtering.

So many examples of both of those approaches. When I put mostly absorption in my HT it sucked the energy right out of the room. Now this room also had carpeting and seating that were absorptive.

Anthony Grimani’s recipe worked great for my room.

Here is a summary of what he recommends for home listening:

  • Avoid LEDE

  • 15% absorption

  • 20% diffusion

  • Carpet or deep absorption pit below listening position

  • Bass traps in ceiling to ceiling corners

  • Absorb first ceiling reflection point

  • 3D diffusion on ceiling behind listener

  • Absorb sidewall reflection if speaker is only a couple ft away from it

  • Panels spaced evenly across sidewalls.

  • Interleave absorbers and diffusers along sidewall. "binaural dissimilarity"

  • Asymmetrical sidewall absorption. Absorbers face diffusers.

  • 2D diffusers in front, 3D behind.

  • Absorb center of wall behind listener "reduces mono-ness", with 3D diffusers on each side.

Example layout for 300-400 sq ft room

In hindsight, it might have been advisable to have this discussion prior to buying both systems, but hey, fecal matter happens.

Like others have said, having an integrated amplifier with home theatre bypass look after all the two channel output, along with the front channels of the home theatre is certainly to easiest solution. That way you need only one pair of speakers and get the best sound quality by far. 

Anyone that tells you that your AVR is sufficient to run everything is simply wrong. I tried that scenario previously by purchasing Cambridge Audio's top of the line AVR (CXR 200) and although it sounded pretty good in a vacuum, switching to a Musical Fidelity integrated for two channel was a 100% improvement.

I now have two completely separate systems that only share one cable. A RCA cable running from the L/R front channel pre out of my AVR to the HT bypass input of the integrated.

This type of setup will also allow you to run the HT sub from the AVR and the two channel subs from the integrated.

Unfortunately, your Willsenton R300 doesn't have a H/T bypass option so creating a hybrid system would require you to replace it, but if you are interested, have a look at the following site. Good luck.


I have a dual purpose room. I have an Anthem AVM70 with nice anthem multi channel amps for center surrounds rears and 4 ceiling.  I have a dedicated PSAudio front end and Focals all the way around. I could easily use HT bypass but what to do with the sub?  LFE with anthem or RCA out of pre. How to set volume and tune?  After much ordering I ended up with a JL Audio CR-1 xover.  It also takes care of xover for 2 channel and adds bypass for for HT at a push of a button. Allows for 1 sub. HFor the cost of the cr1 I could have bought more subs and used speaker outs to run but I do not have the room for it at all. 

Does your avr have a preamp out? ….. just connect it to the pre in to your tube amp.. run your mains off the tube amp.. run the room processor… listen to movies and tv with surround on and listen to music in direct mode. 
