I live in/next to … we call them “depressed areas” these days, a soft phrase in the manner of George Carlin.
The … noise … blasting out of apartment windows and car audio systems on a daily basis is predominantly full of hate, anger, violence, and abuse. I find it to be oppressive. The generalization applies and I stand by it. No, I’m not missing out on anything. I do have one Spank Rock 12” single, “Bootay”, because my step-daughter performed with him for a year. In spite of his lyrics and stage presence, he’s an oddly quiet, shy, retiring gay guy in person.
Yes, there are problems with rock lyrics but they are few and far between. And some artists have removed them from their playlists. The Rolling Stones, for example, do not perform Brown Sugar anymore because African American women object to the lyrics about raping black slave women. As Keith Richards acknowledged “I dunno what the sisters are upset about. It’s supposed to be a song about how horrible slavery is. But whatever”. Mick said “God knows what I was thinking when I wrote that. It’s a mish-mash of every offensive thing. I would never write that today.”