there are a number of people who have traveled down the road of simply buying improved levels of Garrard 301. they love the 301 sound and want better, but don’t really want a different sort of sound. and they get to a place where it’s an ultimate for them. done. and the 301 is that good to be an end spot. had one and loved it.
and others who want something different and more all around transparent and refined. is the Commonwealth a ’better’ Garrard? or is it something else that goes to a high level? don’t know. if it’s a better Garrard then make sure that’s the direction you want to go or it might not be worth the trouble.
maybe depends on your choice of music. will a different type sound take you someplace you really want to go? be of value to you?
the guy with the $50k tt sounds like trouble to me.