The least expensive method I know of getting variable volume control is one of the Oppo DVD/Universal players. Rock bottom price is about $100 for a used Oppo 970. It does offer the benefit of also playing nearly all formats such as CD, DVD, DVD-A, SACD and HDCD. The only negative to the Oppos is that its volume control is in the digital domain, so some bits do get thrown out as volume decreases. You will likely never notice the difference unless you already have a very high resolution system. Lastly, all DVD/Universal players are slower to load the disk as they first have to determine the format, etc. So, if fast loading of the disk is a requirement, get a dedicated CD player.
BTW, what is your budget? Used players with variable volume can be priced from about $100 up to more than $3000.
Also, search the archives. This basic question comes up about once every two weeks.
BTW, what is your budget? Used players with variable volume can be priced from about $100 up to more than $3000.
Also, search the archives. This basic question comes up about once every two weeks.