has anyone tried ultrabit platinum on their cds

absolute sound this month raves about the ultrabit platinum fluid application onto cds. Has anyone tried this? I find it hard to believe that if your cd lens is clean and your cds are not scratched that this would have an impact other than subjectively wanting to hear it for the $75 this product costs.

I have been using it on my main rig now for almost two weeks and am very taken back by what it does. Larger soundstage and better focus, and seems like more resolution (not to sound like the reviews, but...). At first I didn't think I would use it on every disc due to the time but now I use it every time I play a cd. I use the Bendini after the Ultra Bit. It has so widened the gap between my SB3/Benchmark and Esoteric. Its a must have.
Flute concertos benefit beautifully from Ultrabit Platinum with far greater presence and subtle vibrato.
I got the UBP (couldn't order it without the cleaner on the web site) for $82. a few days ago and tried it on a few CDs that were in my 'Sound lousy" pile. I wasn't expecting much but they sounded like totally different CD's - more detail retrieval, bigger soundstage and much more pleasant to listen to.

Encouraged, I then put it on 1 of my favorite CDs and again enjoyed even better imaging and air around the instruments as well as a more natural/"you are there" sound. If I hadn't heard it, I wouldn't have believed this could happen with ANY type of liquid treatment. I've just finished treating my top 35 CDs in current rotation and can't wait to hear them now. My system is very resolving and this will make waiting for my DAC to be built a lot more pleasant.
Uh oh Harve! What DAC did you end up going with?

(P.S. Long time user and lover of UltraBit here...)
Fplanner2000... From my above thread, you'll see that I had the same experience that you did with my lousy sounding CD's.

To add to that, I'm a NetFlex subscriber, and while they all play, some of them aren't exactly in great condition when they arrive. I typically give them a cursory cleaning. Last night before watching "Iron Man" (great movie by the way) I had the bright idea to clean and polish with Ultrabit... ... ... and bingo... IMHO the Ultrabit improved the picture quality.

By the way, to get rid of the fussy stuff that the yellow towels leave on the CD's, I first hand washed them, and dried them in the cloths dryer... no more fussy stuff.