Changing from my pl600 (silver, DD) but I have shaky hands

I do realize my Pioneer pl600 is the weak in my audio chain. I currently use an ortofon 2m bronze. Considering an upgrade to a Hana mL cartridge. I fear that much more cartridge than that would outstrip my turntable’s ability, at least to be worth the additional cost.

Regarding my hands, I am 49 and have essential tremors (different than Parkinsons). For me to continue with vinyl, I fear that an automatic turntable is what I need

Regarding my other electronics, I have a gold note ds10+ and a ph10. preamp and 211s amp is new audio frontiers. Speakers are the wolf von Langa son, all on a Beaudioful rack


So I feel that the rest of my system is able to handle an analog/turntable upgrade. Given my physical limitations, is there something I am missing? For what it’s worth, I have a spare silver pl600 that is at least parts worthy


I don’t do all vinyl. I stream a lot. But I do enjoy listening to my albums















Where do you live? I'm in Plainfield, NJ, glad to help you set something up. Perhaps others here live near you and would offer to do that.

These Mitsubishi Linear Tracking Quartz Locked Direct Drive's are fully automatic

start, auto end/return/stop. lift/left/right/down by button control.

Nice, solid, I just set one up for my friend I met here.

Removable headshell is much easier for a friend to mount a cartridge, and have alternate cartridges ready to go.

you might need to keep looking, nice ones come up from time to time, here is one just to show the unit. there are other model numbers like it


In any case, adjustments might need to be made. The manuals are on-line, they are clear to follow, you would need a friend with steady hands and some patience.



here's one seller refurb, different model (earlier?)

MGA, and Diatone are the names when the units were sold in Japan. 120/100v step down transformer may be included/needed (I use one, get a nice one under $100)



I have a few other ideas for you, gotta go to Maine now, momma's 100th bday, lets see what others know about.


@wvl , the Hana is a big mistake. Go get a 2M Black. Then have a large glass of wine, take the stylus out and have at it!