Power cord length

I upgraded all my power cords to Nordost Red Dawn. My cabinet sits directly in front of outlets. I have McIntosh MC830 monoblocks. Originally I purchased 2m lengths but don't like all the extra cord clutter so purchased a 1m length for left channel amp. After the fact I read Nordost spec sheet which stated minimum length 2m is recommended. Dealer stated "2m works the best for it to really filter". Also, both cords must be same length for "time alignment"; when using monoblocks "different length wires will sound slightly different". I am thinking to buy another 1m for right channel to solve timing thing and additional clutter cleanup. Ok, that's my situation- I am requesting explanations/opinions/knowledge/recommendations-  I read a similar post awhile back and  seek additional clarification. Thank you.


I have had the discussion with 3 different cable manufacturers and their consensus is the same 2 meter is the best from the standpoint of filtering (I am taking their word). I agree with @holmz that 2 different lengths on a short run will have zero influence on timing or sound. If it does it is all in your head 🧐


The cable manufacturers I've spoken with generally recommend using a short a cable as possible for cables except for power cables, where a minimum of 2 meters is recommended. I will be conducting some blind tests with some friends next weekend comparing 1 meter, 2 meter, and 5 meter power cables. I'm not convinced we'll hear any differences, but it should be a fun test!

My dealer recommended 2 meter for more “conditioning”. I had never looked at it that way. I have two AudioQuest Hurricanes, one one meter and one two meter. So I did a comparison with my stereo amp. I use them both when running the mono blocks. I can’t tell the difference. But audio is all about small additive improvements. So, one should definitely use the same length. 

The two meter definitely sounds better. While they are clearly the same power cord the 2 meter is a bit quieter. Definitely worth the money.

"Dealer stated "2m works the best for it to really filter". Also, both cords must be same length for "time alignment"; when using monoblocks "different length wires will sound slightly different"

Oh brother... if that's the case, then have ALL the  PC's the same length-that way everything is "synchronized" to get AC at the same time.

Sounds like nonsense techno babble to take advantage of non techie consumers.

A.N. at it's finest. 

Selling 2M cords makes them more money than 1 meter cords.  I would reterminate them myself to the length I want. 

Power cords should always be as short as possible and avoid loops.
