Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?

Interesting read here about the state of vinyl. Personally, I had no idea what the percentage of vinyl sales was “merchandise” never to be opened or played.




@bdp24 Hey, I was a nut for collecting and riding racing bicycles until my advancing age and ever-diminishing physical abilities told me it was time to let it pass on. I still, though, get a kick out of riding the one racing bicycle I still have -- a Bianchi Infinito dressed with Campy Chorus components.

I’m with you mijostyn. It’s been that way ever since, as a very young child, playing over and over Mom’s three Rock n Roll singles, Bill Haley’s "See You Later Alligator", "Rock Around the Clock", and Little Richard’s ’Tutti Frutti". One of those might even have been a 78 rpm. This was back in the mid-fifties using our fold open record player.


@edcyn: I'm thinking about getting a good bike again. Last one I had was a Bottecchia, fully Campagnolo equipped, sew-up tires (never again!). My area has some real nice bike-riding streets.

That article had gotten a lot of hype and is poorly-researched at best. No way 50% goes unopened. 

Boomers who are unaware of the number of young people buying vinyl these days reveal their ignorance with their comments. 

And yes, the market for vinyl, like all "collectibles" and home theater, and home gym equipment, skyrocketed with Covid lockdowns...and will come back down to Earth.

And yes, the reissues of everything are overpriced, especially if you live in an area where you can find a lot of good used record stores. 

As Boomers die and their wives unload their collections on the market, prices will fall further and only the great stuff will remain in demand. the vast majority will be landfill fodder for lack of demand. Even some "good" stuff. 

There's a very strong market for all hip hop on vinyl. Always was always will be. I purge my collection frequently to keep it lean and mean, when a better sounding version comes into my possession, I unload my previous versions... I've had a much easier time selling hip hop classics than Boomer classics. 

Market research. Not long-held assumptions. Do your homework.