Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?

Interesting read here about the state of vinyl. Personally, I had no idea what the percentage of vinyl sales was “merchandise” never to be opened or played.




Could I make the case that all the "popular" classic records have all been reissued on vinyl (audiophile versions too) and people interested have already purchased them? Thus slower sales of vinyl are the result? Blue Note is now reissuing more obscure or less famous titles that probably do not appeal to nonjazz diehards. Plus, I actually think the whole MoFi controversy has made some buyers much pickier in the audiophile release area (not buying everything that comes out). Many of the younger buyers are generally more into the colored vinyl, special edition thing. More like a comic book thing. I’m not certain sound quality has anything to do with their purchase.

How many more "Kind of Blue" reissues can one have?

I always thought the vinyl resurgence was due to cheap, used vinyl. Now that the once-used $1 bin Journey ESCAPE LP is now $35 +, Vinyl popularity is bound to wain a little.

@8th-note 1+ 

I have been collecting records since I was 4 years old. Happiness was getting a new record and the smell of a warmed up Zenith portable. It is part of what I am and I can not get rid of it. So, I will collect records for the duration and my wife will figure out what to do with them after.

@bdp24 Hey, I was a nut for collecting and riding racing bicycles until my advancing age and ever-diminishing physical abilities told me it was time to let it pass on. I still, though, get a kick out of riding the one racing bicycle I still have -- a Bianchi Infinito dressed with Campy Chorus components.

I’m with you mijostyn. It’s been that way ever since, as a very young child, playing over and over Mom’s three Rock n Roll singles, Bill Haley’s "See You Later Alligator", "Rock Around the Clock", and Little Richard’s ’Tutti Frutti". One of those might even have been a 78 rpm. This was back in the mid-fifties using our fold open record player.


@edcyn: I'm thinking about getting a good bike again. Last one I had was a Bottecchia, fully Campagnolo equipped, sew-up tires (never again!). My area has some real nice bike-riding streets.