
Some weeks ago my Cyrus CD t transport stopped reading my discs, so I brought in for repair. The technician said it played perfectly for him and  he couldn’t find anything wrong with it. So, I brought it home, and sure enough, no matter what I tried the discs would not load. Brought it back to the store and he said he still couldn’t find a problem. Loaded perfectly for him. Went back to the store today with my own discs and they loaded without a problem.
Brought it home, and now it works!

What’s going on????


Try removing it from your system, plug it into a different circuit, then load a disc. I know this sounds crazy

I had a Rotel 1072 that played any disk I put into it except for disk 2 of Metallica S&M. I made a copy of that disk which played fine. Years later while dusting and cleaning, I had the CDP on its side on the carpet and it fell over onto it's feet on the carpet. After that, disk 2 of S&M played just fine along with any other disk. I gave up trying to figure it out.

Consider the possibility of an environmental factor such as RFI/EMI.  Maybe a ham radio operator nearby, whose transmitter is not always in use?  Plus, UK CD players are more likely to do this in general, Rega, Naim, etc.  at least in my experience.