Whittling down my choices to a final few pair...

Good evening Agon,

I know it's extremely difficult to recommend a speaker sight unseen; even more so to estimate the dynamics in a room with furnishings and other flotsam that could impact the sound.

My beloved bride and I are down to the last few pairs of speakers (I'm rolling the proverbial dice on all of these, going by Internet Opinions and such rather than the opportunity for actual listening, since we're in a unique situation)

Our room is 20x30x10' high.  The speakers would be positioned off the 20' wall and ideally toed-in or otherwise manipulated to sound optimal.

We're down to:

  • Legacy Aeris
  • Eggleston Savoy SE
  • Wilson Sasha DAW
  • Wilson Maxx

In no particular order.

Our previous speakers were franken-Jubilee's, which had a beautiful tendency to disappear and allow a moderate listening volume without interrupting conversations.

Given the above list, I'd appreciate your guidance.  Thank you so much in advance.


Well I think if you are getting a new amp then the speakers and amp should be in the same conversation with your selected dealer. FWIW - The Legacy Aeris is self powered or can be bi amped with your amp of choice, or one of theirs. The others need to mate an amp to get the best especially when spending that much on speakers. JMHO. I read that the Wilsons can be tough on an amp if you don't have a lot of current for them as they drop down near 1-2 ohms at some frequencies. Not positive about that though. .

I agree with ghdprentice....completely. You and the lucky woman owe it to yourself to audition these higher priced speakers. 


That is a nice list of choices you have. Another speaker to add would be the Rockport Avior ii or the Cygnus. Rockport makes incredible speakers and are universally praised as one of the best speakers made. Read the reviews and especially the comments on the forums about them. You will be glad you put them on the list. Good luck! 


You have to match the amp and the speaker to get the performance you paid for. You should biamp to get them to open up. Think in terms of pairing, not just the speaker. I prefer to get active speakers like this one:


Really need to know what sound characteristics are most important to you to make any meaningful recommendation, otherwise you’ll just get what we like.