Integrated Amplifier for Bowers & Wilkins 702 S2


I have a pair of Bowers & Wilkins 702 S2. Right now I drive those speakers with my Vincent SV-737 Hybrid Amp. I’m considering adding a Gold note DS-10 plus Dac with Power supply. Vincent has not XLR output. I am looking for a powerful and high quality integrated Amp that will work in harmony. My budget around 5K. I’m asking you for advice.

Thank you



Definitely need a high current amp......Musical Fidelity works great with B&W 702’s. Also Audio GD tube pre w/ Peachtree GaN 400 amp is detailed and sweet with an enormous soundstage that goes Way beyond the speakers for a Very Live sound. good luck.

I tested both the Michi X3 and Hegel H390 using their internal DACs from a music streamer and settled on the H390. Both are good, but the overall sound of the Hegel was more refined where it made listening more relaxing, the Michi had a slight edginess by comparison. I don’t think you can go wrong with either, but my summation was the dac in the Hegel was the reason it sounded better to me. If you plan to ever get an external dac I recommend trying them with one, it might make your mind up. I own Spendor speakers, so different sound to your B&Ws.

Are you in USA? If you are call John Rutan at Audio Connection. You need a Belles American made integrated amp. They are under 5k but compete with amps over 10-20k.

I have a 200wpc Mark Levinson 585 on usaudiomart for around your budget! Original it was $12K! They don’t come more effortlessly powerful and neutral. A true window into the recording.