@sokogear The ideal, is for the TT to not have a sound, equally attractive is for the TT to have a non-eccentric rotation, with the non-eccentric rotation being available a extremely accurate speed control will be a much desired addition.
It is extremely difficult to have a TT that does not produce something as a result of the TT's function that is not a detriment, that does not impart mechanical noise, oscillation or Wow into a replay, either of which are measurable and in frequent cases audible to the end user.
There are ways to reduce these detrimental influences, but these cost money if being resolved from a commercial front and can be met with commissioning a skilled individual with a familiarity with a design, to take the work required on. The average individual can learn to service a mechanical part, but to get to a place of noticeable betterment machining of parts can be required.