Pass XA 30.5 with Revel F 208 ?

Has any one driven Revel F 208 or F 206 with Pass XA 30.5? At 88 / 88.5 db sensitivity do you think I have enough power in Xa 30.5? Any suggestion on other speakers in the similar price range?

Hi Kartik,
I suggest you stay at or above 90 dB for your new spkrs.
Among coincident spkrs. There is Coincident Total Victory ll Full Range Speakers on sale on A'gone right now . You may consider Total Victory V which is current model ( 95 dB) .Earlier models were Eclipse and Total Eclipse which are worth considering you are looking for a good used pair .

Another very good one to consider is Aerial 20T V2 ( or even V1) ( sensitivity 90 dB) , but you will need to up your budget. But you can be set for very long time with your Pass XA30.5.
If you like the Pass/Revel combo, prices on the .5 series seem to be coming down now that the .8 series has been released. Maybe a XA60.5
John, In my town the Parade routes right in front of my terrace. The bars in town, which there are way TOO many, open up at 10 on Parade day, (which is tomorrow, Saturday) normally at 12. There are five bar/clubs directly across the street from me, another soon to open. Two right around the corner, another right down the other corner!! Ridiculous. It is the best day of the year NOT to drink! Just watch the other stumblebums. The town will be full of them tomorrow.
Don c55,
I share your opinion concerning the excessive high volumes and the real threat of potential hearing impairment (irreversible). But ultimately to each their own. I attended a jazz concert last night in a modest size venue and it was unamplified. My friend's phone SPL app measured low- mid 90s db on average from our seats 20 feet away. That is definitely loud enough for me and at home I'd be listening 10-15 db lower. So it's an individual comfort level choice.
Thanks Radni, I am almost there deciding on coincident technology, the only problem being, I have to ship these to india. I was wondering if Trimph Extreme II would be ok. Can anyone tell how big a compromise it would be from the victory series to Trimph Extreme II. Can the difference be compensated by adding quality subs?