Pass XA 30.5 with Revel F 208 ?

Has any one driven Revel F 208 or F 206 with Pass XA 30.5? At 88 / 88.5 db sensitivity do you think I have enough power in Xa 30.5? Any suggestion on other speakers in the similar price range?

I have Revel F52 with a PASS X250.5 90% of my listeing the amp stays in CLASS A which is about 30 watts. Its a great match.

You can get F52's for around 3K used and they are better than the 206 or 208.

I like the revles better than B&W 801 matrix III and B&W 802s I also had Magies 3.6's Spendor SP1/2e, Viro III's and the revels are the ones I have kept for over 4 years now. My next upgrade will be to the salon's

I went from F52s to F208s. I have them in the same room, with the same equipment. This is a very subjective hobby, but to my ears to say the F52s are better is crazy; different yes, but better?! The F52s are more of a point source. The F208s are more dynamic, better bass, bigger soundstage,and when properly setup the F208s image better. I submit most people will say the F208s are a little clearer than F52s. I won't say there is a night and day difference, but most people will hear the difference.

Don_c55 and Charles1dad, I do agree that an excessive high level of AVERAGE SPL is for idiots, however there can be a very wide margin between average SPL and peak SPL with some music, especially classical. The SPL numbers to be used in the calculator I provided in the link are peak, not average. Also, this same calculator is found in many places on the web, as it factors in using a pair of speakers, room gain, and listening distance.

So how high can the peak SPL actually be at the listening position with a normal average SPL? Then please read the comments by Almarg, a well respected contributor to this forum, in this thread, especially the last paragraph of his 2nd post.

Here is another paper worth reading about power needed and peak SPL in a "good hi-fi system",

Depending on the type music and quality of recording, it is very possible at the listening position to have a peak SPL of a 105db, while the average SPL is only 75db.

Bottom line is the required power is not for average SPL, but for that peak SPL, which is much higher than a lot of people think, even though it is only for a split second. Having less power than required for the peak SPL will restrict the dynamic range, and clip the amp for that split second.
You might want to consider Focal they are very good with the pass xa series of amps and are 90db + efficiency with 4 to 8 ohm nominal impedance depending on model.
Hi Tls49,
I understand your point and priorities. I don't desire or seek those high peak levels, and I've heard systems capable of reaching 105-110db levels. That doesn't impress me and isn't an important personal criteria. But of course that's just me and I'm in no way critical of your preferences. We all aspire to achieve the sound/audio systems that fulfill our particular goals. I wish you the best in your sonic endeavors. I'm a confirmed fan of Almarg's many quality contributions.